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Vietnam contributes to efforts to increase East Asia connectivity VNTimes


Vietnam’s participation in the 22 nd World Economic Forum (WEF) on EastAsia in Myanmar on June 5-7 reflects the country’s policy of proactiveand active international integration and contribute to efforts toincrease connectivity and build an ASEAN Community.

This is the assessment of Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son in response to reporters’ queries about the event.

The deputy minister said the WEF is a prestigious international forumwhere important initiatives and ideas on regional and global economicissues are presented. As the event this year focused on transformationand regional integration, it offered good chance for Vietnam toconsult and share viewpoints as well as experiences in development withother countries, with a view to finding solutions for our country’ssustainable economic development while joining hand with other ASEANcountries to complete the building of an ASEAN Community by 2015.

He added that the WEF was also a venue where world leading groups canmeet with Vietnamese leaders while Vietnamese businesses can meet anddiscuss cooperation with big corporations in the world.

Deputy Minister Son stressed that Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung madean important key-note address at the WEF opening, in which hehighlighted Vietnam’s consistent policy of building a dynamic andcompetitive market economy which always actively and proactivelyintegrates into regional and global economy.

The PMalso stressed the importance of a peaceful, stable, cooperative anddeveloping international environment on the basis of respect forinternational law; freedom of trade and investment via economic linksand trustworthy and efficient cooperation among countries, in dealingwith regional and global common challenges.

PM Dunghas affirmed that Vietnam will do its utmost to increase regionalcooperation and connectivity in all fields, contributing to building theASEAN Community and economic corridors, especially the East – WestEconomic Corridor (EWEC).

In theframework of the event, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment Nguyen Thi Xuan Thu attended a session on the initiative“New Vision in Agriculture” to speed up the public-private partnership (PPP ) model for a sustainable agriculture and ensuring food security.

The Vina Capital Group hosted a working lunch toshare opportunities and challenges in doing business in the GreaterMekong Sub-region. The FPT Corporation attended a conference oninformation technology and communications while the VIN Group engaged inactivities within the framework of the global young executive forum.

During these events, the Vietnamese delegation joinedin discussions on regional integration and comprehensive development,and introduced Vietnam’s policies, development potentials andinvestment opportunities to international community.

On the sidelines of the forum, the PM received leaders of severalworld leading conglomerates like General Electrics, Unilever, Philips,Intel and Novatis. They spoke highly of the Vietnamese Government’sefforts in economic growth and improvement of investment environment aswell as expressed wishes to expand operations in Vietnam in the timeto come.

At a meeting with Myanmar PresidentThein Sein on June 6, PM Nguyen Tan Dung affirmed Vietnam’s support toMyanmar ’s ongoing reforms. He also pledged to work with Myanmarin efforts to boost connectivity and narrow development gap in ASE AN,and help Myanmar successfully hold the SEA Games 2013 and undertakethe role as Chair of ASEAN next year.

Thein Seinhighly valued the friendship and support that Vietnam has extendedto his country over the past years. He suggested Vietnam share itsexperience and assist Myanmar in the development cause.

The two sides also promised to work together to make preparations for avisit by Vietnam’s National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung toMyanmar this July.-VNA

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