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NA debates revised Constitution VNTimes


The 13th National Assembly on June 3 held a live television debateon the draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution during its ongoingfifth session in Hanoi.

Regarding Article 1, amajority of NA deputies suggested keeping the country’s name unchangedas the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which has been in place since July1976 and enshrined in the 1980 and 1992 Constitutions. This is tocontinuously affirm the goal and path of building and developing thesocialist-oriented country.

Touching uponregulations defined in Article 54 on economic sectors, deputies agreedthat the definition of the nature of the economy plays a crucial roleand is a decisive factor to the orientation of socialist statedevelopment in Vietnam.

They said that thesocialist-oriented economy aims to ensure every member of society enjoyseconomic benefits in a more equal and better manner. Thesocialist-oriented economy will create a premise to overcomeconsequences and shortcomings that result from a market-based economy aswell as other negative impacts during the process of market economydevelopment and international integration.

Part ofthe debate was on the selection of local administrative models. Manyopinions showed that grassroots administrative models need to renew tomeet the country’s socio-economic development.

Arecent report by the National Assembly Standing Committee shows thatindividuals and organisations both at home and abroad have contributedover 26 million comments on the draft amendments to the 1992Constitution since the poll was launched four months ago.

The draft revisions to the 1992 Constitution were first made public onJanuary 2 for public feedback in line with Resolution 38/2012/QH13adopted by the National Assembly on November 23, 2012.-VNA

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