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Vietnam hopes to further economic ties with RoK VNTimes


Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has expressed his hope that Vietnam andthe Republic of Korea (RoK) will further their economic, trade andinvestment ties in an effort to raise two-way trade to a more impressivefigure in the future.

Meeting with out-going RoKAmbassador Ha Chan Ho in Hanoi on June 3, the PM said the twocountries’ relation has been upgraded to a strategic partnership, addingthat cultural similarities and abundant cooperation potential areconditions for Vietnam and the RoK to deepen their ties in allfields.

The Vietnamese Government has always createdfavourable conditions for RoK investors to do long-term and effectivebusiness in Vietnam, he affirmed.

The VietnameseGovernment leader suggested the RoK continue granting a high amount ofODA to Vietnam, focusing on transport infrastructure, climate changeadaptation and environmental protection, while assisting the SoutheastAsian nation in building high-tech centres.

He alsoproposed that the two sides work closely with each other to tackle allproblems that arise during the labour cooperation between the twocountries.

For his part, Ambassador Ha Chan Hoexpressed his belief that on the basis of their friendship and soundpolitical and diplomatic ties, the economic, trade and investmentcooperation between Vietnam and the RoK will see new developments inthe future.

He suggested both sides step up their cooperation in labour, education and training, tourism, and science and technology.-VNA

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