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President lauds people’s police force VNTimes


President Truong Tan Sang has hailed police chiefs and officers fortheir outstanding achievements in the emulation campaign “People’spolice study and follow late President Ho Chi Minh’s six teachings”.

At a ceremony in Hanoi on June 4 to commemorate65 years since the people’s police force first followed Uncle Ho’s sixteachings and President Ho Chi Minh’s appeal for a patriotic emulationmovement, Sang stressed that the Party, State and people appreciateloyalty, sacrifices and great contributions made by generations ofpolice during the national revolutionary cause.

ThePresident asked the police force to make the campaign “Studying andFollowing Uncle Ho’s six teachings” a core part of their regular Partyactivities in the time to come.

Apart fromfollowing the late President’s moral examples and implementing theResolution of the 11 th National Party Congress on some urgent issuesin current Party building, he asked them to further Party buildingactivities, fight the degradation of political thought, morals andlifestyles, bureaucracy, corruption and wastefulness among cadres, Partymembers and officers of the people’s police force.

He stressed that they must work closely with departments and sectors toencourage all people to support the campaign as well as help ensuresocial security and order in the new situation.

Theleader expressed his belief that the police will continue to lead thepatriotic emulation movement and successfully fulfil their assignedtasks.

Minister of Public Security General Tran DaiQuang said in response to President Ho Chi Minh’s appeal for patrioticemulation during the fight against the French colonialists 65 years ago,the people’s police force has spread the movement in line with UncleHo’s six teachings and moral examples.

Over thepast 65 years, more than 90 individuals and collectives have beenhonoured with Golden Star and Ho Chi Minh Orders. Hundreds were alsoawarded with the titles Hero of the Armed Forces and Hero of Labour, notto mention tens of thousands of other medals and orders also awarded.-VNA

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