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Vietnam–EU strategic dialogue facility launched VNTimes


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Union (EU) delegationto Vietnam on June 4 organised a seminar to launch the Vietnam–EUStrategic Dialogue Facility as part of the Vietnam–EU Partnership andCooperation Agreement (PCA).

In his opening speech,Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son said one of the facility’sobjectives is to help Vietnam realise other cooperation activitieswithin the PCA.

The Deputy Minister expressed hishope that through the seminar, representatives from ministerial andlocal agencies will have opportunities to access up-to-date informationand evaluations of both Vietnam and the EU on the two sides’relations, especially in trade, investment, ODA and PCA implementationwith the EU’s support. Then they can actively propose suitablecooperation areas, boosting ties with the EU and its members, he added.

According to the Deputy Minister, the PCA signed inJune 2012 meets the demand on a new legal framework, and is amanifestation of the rapidly increasing and dynamic relations betweenVietnam and the EU, marking a milestone in the development of tiestowards equality and comprehensive cooperation.

Theimplementation of the 2011-2012 PCA has successfully concluded, and thetwo sides are now discussing the 2013-2014 stage, he added.

Vietnam , as a PCA signatory, pledges to follow its regulations.Besides its own efforts, the assistance and support of the EU as well asits members are greatly needed, the Deputy Minister said.

Head of the EU delegation to Vietnam , Ambassador Franz Jessen, saiddevelopment cooperation has always been an important part of thecooperation between the EU and Vietnam .

The VietnameseGovernment and the EU have identified several prioritised fields for theearly implementation of the PCA, Jessen said, pledging to continue thePCA approval and implementation process, and make full use of thecooperation opportunities it may create.

According to him, thenew PCA demonstrates the EU’s commitment to forge a modern, broad-basedand mutually-beneficially partnership with Vietnam , a partnerwilling to take on increasing responsibilities in the world arena, andan active and central force in ASEAN, he added.

Also at theseminar, EU representatives announced the launch of the Vietnam–EUStrategic Dialogue and related activities to run in 2013.

Accordingly,the EU delegation to Vietnam will provide 2.9 million EUR fromFebruary 2013 – 2016. Main activities focus on policy related research,technological support, organising seminars and training courses.

Thefacility aims to enhance strategic dialogues between Vietnam andthe EU, supporting the PCA through sharing experience, good practicesand examples in the prioritised fields.

It also aims to support Vietnam realise its socio-economic development plan in the strategic fields.

Despitethe economic crisis, two-way trade between Vietnam and the EU in2012 still exceeded 29 billion USD, up nearly 20 percent from 2011.

EUnations are among the leading investors in Vietnam . By the end ofMarch 2013, 22 of the 27 EU members invested in 1,299 valid projects inVietnam , with registered capital totalling over 17 billion USD.-VNA

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