Thisis an occasion for both sides to review their cooperation over the pastdecade, Deputy Minister Senior Lieutenant General Vinh, who led theVietnamese delegation to the event, told Beijing-based Vietnam NewsAgency correspondents.
The Deputy Minister said the two sidesconfirmed the soundness of the document, which has helped promotebilateral defence cooperation in terms of quantity and quality.
The defence cooperation has become one of important relations in theVietnam-China comprehensive strategic partnership, he said, adding thatVietnam and China agreed to outline an orientation for furthercooperation in the 2013-2016 period and to 2020 with more plentiful,specific and practical contents.
Chinese Defence Minister ChangWanquan commented that the dialogue was very practical, honest andfrank, the Deputy Minister said.
The two sides did not avoidissues they have different viewpoints on, and led to crucial commonperceptions on the need to consolidate their defence relations in orderto build Vietnam-China friendship and cooperation for mutualdevelopment, Vinh quoted the Chinese defence leader as saying.
Another highlight of the dialogue was that the two sides officiallyinaugurated a hotline directly connecting the two defence ministries, hesaid, adding that this demonstrates a close-knit and regularconnection, which usually just appears among close neighbouringcountries.
The issue of building strategic trustbetween the two defence ministries was mentioned at a meeting on thesidelines of the 12th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore betweenDeputy Minister Vinh and head of the Chinese defence delegation to theevent Qi Jianguo, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Chinese People’sLiberation Army.
At the defence dialogue between Vietnam andChina, the two sides once again discussed the issue, Vinh said, addingthat they even proposed detailed tasks to realise it.
The fourth strategic dialogue on defence between Vietnam and Chinatook place in Beijing on June 5.
Deputy Defence Minister NguyenChi Vinh and Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Chinese People’sLiberation Army Qi Jianguo led their delegations to the event.-VNA
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