The forum, co-organised by the Vietnam Chamber ofCommerce and Industry and its Malaysian counterpart, is an opportunityfor the two sides’ enterprises to better understand each other, expandcooperation as well as seek partners and business opportunities.
Addressing the event, Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan, who is inMalaysia for the 23rd Global Summit of Women, highlighted the finecooperative relations between Vietnam and Malaysia, and theirbusinesses in particular.
According to the VicePresident, the two countries have signed a series of cooperativedocuments, including an agreement on investment encouragement andprotection, an agreement on economic, scientific and technologicalcooperation and a trade agreement, among others.
Malaysia is Vietnam’s third biggest trade partner in ASEAN, with two-way trade reaching 8 billion USD in 2012.
Malaysian investors have poured more than 11.3 billion USD into over400 projects in Vietnam, becoming the 7th largest foreign investorin the country.
Vice President Doan spoke highly ofMalaysian investment, affirming that Vietnam will create favourableconditions for Malaysian companies to do business in the country,contributing to further strengthening the friendship and comprehensivecooperation between the two nations.-VNA
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