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VNA celebrates Uncle Ho’s patriotic emulation appeal VNTimes


Vietnam News Agency (VNA) on June 7 held a ceremony to mark the 65thNational Patriotic Emulation Day (June 11) and review two years ofimplementing the campaign “Studying and following President Ho ChiMinh’s moral example”.

Speaking at the event, VNAGeneral Director Nguyen Duc Loi reminded participants of Uncle Ho’steachings on patriotic emulation.

Through periods,VNA has remained one of the leading units in patriotic emulationmovements and in popularising and encouraging these movements, GeneralDirector Loi said.

He stressed that during thefights against French colonialists and American imperialists, VNA staffovercame many difficulties to combat and implement information tasks toserve the revolutionary cause.

In the renovationperiod, the agency is still the Party and State’s official nationalnews channel providing reliable, accurate information to all people, aswell as rejecting distorted or untrue information by hostile forces onthe country’s socio-economic development, the VNA leader said.

Over the past five years, the agency’s patriotic emulation movementhas developed significantly. The emulation movement of highproductivity, good quality, high efficiency and thrift practice, andthe campaign “Studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s moralexample” drew the participation of all of its units.-VNA

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