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HCM City, New South Wales further training links VNTimes


Ho Chi Minh City and the Australian state of New South Wales haveagreed to offer training to lecturers, students and administrativemanagers working at colleges and vocational training schools across thecity.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) to thiseffect was signed by representatives from the municipal Department ofEducation and Training and the Ministry of Education and Communities ofNew South Wales in HCM City on May 29.

Underthe MoU, the two sides will exchange information on education andtraining, and develop a network of colleges and vocational trainingschools which offer Technical and Further Education (TAFE) courses inthe city.

Le Hong Son, Director of the municipalDepartment of Education and Training said the Australian side willdevelop vocational training courses, and provide students with Englishsoftware copyrights while acknowledging certificates and TAFE courses inVietnam.

Bilateral exchange programmes forlecturers and students will also get underway, contributing to producinga high-quality workforce.

The TAFE courses are dueto pilot at Thu Duc College of Technology, Nguyen Huu Canh Technicaland Economics College and Phu Lam Technical Economic College between2013 and 2014.-VNA

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