The programme, which costs 6 trillion VND (288.5 million USD), targetspregnant women, infants, school graders, teenagers, and men up to 18years old, according to Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper.
Theprogramme, approved in 2011, is divided into two phases, from 2011 to2020 and the other period till 2030. Accordingly, the average height formen will be 167cm by 2020 and 168.5cm by 2030. For women, it will be156cm and 157.5cm respectively.
The programme’s tasksare to offer a plan for adequate nutrition and health care as well as aneducation for physical fitness on people from 3-18 years.
Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Le Khanh Hai told localmedia that the expenses of the national programme will be contributedfrom both State budget and the community through social events.
Doctor Dam Quoc Chinh, chairman of a plan of the national programme,added that the world now has at least 46 nations working out theirdevelopment programmes for physical fitness and races, including thePhilippines , Indonesia , Singapore , and Malaysia .
Nutrition makes up the greatest role in ensuring the growth of aperson, he said, adding that it must be well done since the pregnancyperiod.
Main factors affecting the height and fitnessof a person include nutrition, which makes up 31 percent; heredity, 23percent; sports, 20 percent; and the environment and social psychology,26 percent.-VNA
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