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Agro-forestry, fishery exports earn 10.7 billion USD VNTimes


Vietnam earned over 10.7 billion USD from agro-forestry and fisheryexports in the first five months of this year, down 4.6 percent comparedwith the same period last year, the Ministry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment (MARD) has reported.

The decrease wasdue to difficulties in both markets and prices, which affected majoragricultural and fishery products, according to MARD.

In the Jan-May period, the country shipped abroad 2.86 million tonnesof rice, bringing home 1.26 billion USD, representing decreases of 3percent in volume and 8 percent in value year-on-year.

China remains Vietnam ’s largest rice customer, consuming 38.7percent of Vietnam ’s total export, followed by Malaysia with 6.1percent, Singapore with 5.6 percent, Hong Kong with 4.2 percent andIndonesia with 4.1 percent.

Coffee businessesdelivered 697,000 tonnes to foreign importers, down over 23 percent yearon year, for an earning of 1.49 billion USD, a drop of nearly 22percent. Germany and the US were the two biggest markets, consuming13.5 percent and 11.8 percent, respectively, of Vietnam ’s totalexport value.

Meanwhile, tea export also saw a 5.6percent decrease in volume with 48,000 tonnes shipped abroad, butenjoyed a 1.3 percent rise in value to 73 million USD thanks to higherprice.

Among agricultural products, cashew and pepperrecorded the most impressive growth in both volume and value. Vietnamexported a total of 85,000 tonnes of cashew nuts for 535 million USD,up 9.7 percent in volume and 0.8 percent in value. The US, China andNetherlands were key markets of Vietnamese cashew.

Pepper export volume rose 13.9 percent to 68,000 tonnes, earning 446 million USD, up 9.6 percent.

At the same time, the country earned 2 billion USD from exporting woodand wooden products, a surge of 10.4 percent. Except for Germany ,rises were seen in other major markets such as the US , China , Japanand the Republic of Korea .

To the contrary, seafood export saw a 5.6 percent decrease in the first five months of 2013, with 2.2 billion USD.

In the situation, MARD has directed businesses to further improvetheir products’ quality, while expanding to new markets to further stepup exports of key agro-forestry and fishery products in the next months.-VNA

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