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Vietnam opposes Chinese ships’ ramming VNTimes


A Foreign Ministry representative on May 26 met and delivered adiplomatic note to a representative of the Chinese Embassy in Hanoiopposing Chinese ships’ recent ramming of a Vietnamese fishing from thecentral province of Quang Ngai in the waters in Vietnam’sexclusive economic zone and continental shelf.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Luong Thanh Nghi said on May 27 that suchactions by the Chinese ship seriously violate Vietnam’s sovereignty, sovereign rights andjurisdiction in the East Sea, causes material losses and threatensthe lives of Vietnamese fishermen.

“This actionruns counter to an agreement on basic principles guiding the settlementof sea-related issues between Vietnam and China, against thespirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East (DOC)and further complicates the situation at sea.

“Vietnam requests China to strictly deal with the behaviour of theships involved, properly compensate Vietnamese fishermen and prevent asimilar incident from happening again,” Nghi said.

On May 20, fishing boat QNg 90917 TS and its 15-member crew wereconducting normal fishing activities in Vietnam’s exclusive economiczone and continental shelf when the Chinese boats interrupted.

More seriously, Chinese ship No. 264 rammed the Vietnamese boat,damaging the freeboard and threatening the lives of the fishermen onboard.

On May 27, the Fund for Support of Fishermenand the Vietnam Fatherland Front of Quang Ngai province handed overfinancial assistance to the owner of fishing boat QNg 90917 TS to helpthe boat have repaired to soon resume normal fishing operations.-VNA

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